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Master Capital Plan

  1. All GPS campuses shall provide a safe and secure environment for all students and staff.
  2. All GPS classroom and learning spaces shall be conducive to student learning.
  3. All GPS classroom and learning spaces shall allow for flexibility and collaboration between students and teachers
  4. All GPS campuses shall have their own identity and shall have the ability to assist in design-making decisions based on local culture and program.
  5. All school campuses shall aim to enhance the local community and shall be a positive addition to the neighborhood. 
Read More on the Master Capital Plan about GPS Facility Belief Statements

Master Capital Planning Committee Applications

Applicants Sought to Fill Vacancy on the Gilbert Public Schools Superintendent’s Master Capital Planning Committee:

The mission of the Master Capital Planning Committee (MCPC), in collaboration with the Superintendent and the Gilbert Public Schools leadership team, is to establish and regularly update an ongoing long range master capital plan guiding the District facility and equipment reinvestment processes and priorities each year.

The Committee’s specific goals are to:

  • Assist GPS leadership in the processes of developing and implementing a comprehensive Master Capital Plan.

  • Serve as an open forum for discussion to review the District capital needs and priorities.

  • Consider and recommend to the leadership team any new facility standard or request to add new facilities or enhance existing programmatic areas based on local school needs.
  • Work within the committee and with the Superintendent’s leadership team to ensure input and collaboration in the process of recommending strategies to resource ongoing facility reinvestment needs and prioritizing the allocation of capital resources annually.


  • Members of the MCPC shall, through education or experience, possess a combination of knowledge related to construction, building, architectural design, public funding, or capital spending.

  • Applicants shall complete the online application, to include a list 3 references.

Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Master Capital Planning Committee Application