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Public Online Property Auctions

The Property Management Department is responsible for tracking all district assets: land, buildings, copiers, buses, etc. Property Management is also responsible for annual depreciation processes and all asset schedules for the annual audit and equip classrooms (when items are available in surplus), as well as dispose of assets once they become inoperable and/or obsolete. Property Management is located at the Gilbert Public Schools Educational Complex, Building H. 

Brian Lucarelli


Elijah Melton


Material Disposition/Online Property Auctions

Gilbert Public Schools works diligently to reassign surplus property to other schools and departments within the school district. Occasionally, unneeded or obsolete items are disposed of using the methods described in Section R7-2-1131, Material Management and Disposition of the Arizona Administrative Code, including the use of internet-based online sales.

Items are listed for a period of not less than 14 days for each internet-based sale during which persons may submit offers to purchase the specified items.

Click to be directed to Public Surplus, our provider of internet-based online sales.

To register as a buyer with Public Surplus: Click Register under the register to Become Part of Public Surplus heading on the Home Page. Follow the instructions as indicated. To browse items for sale specific to Gilbert Public Schools, click Select Region and choose Arizona under the Browse Auctions Within Area heading on the Home screen. Then, click Select Agency and choose Gilbert Public Schools.

Process for In-Person Viewing of Auction Items

The inspection of auction items is by appointment only. Items can be seen in person on Tuesday and Thursday only from 9 am to 1 pm starting the first Tuesday prior to the start date of the auction, and viewable each Tuesday and Thursday thereafter until the auction ends. For appointment and location for buses and other vehicles contact Dale Conway at 480-239-5209, and for all other auction items contact Ralland Mclaughlin at 480-239-5127.