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Performing Arts

The Performing Arts program seeks to encourage the broadest possible range of creative options for its students. We have a solid tradition of high-quality education and strive for excellence in every endeavor. We offer a variety of ensembles that study classical repertoire, world music, and jazz and contemporary music. The Drama Department offers a range of classes that study classical theatre, contemporary styles, and technical aspects of production.

Campo Verde High School Marching Band Drumline

Campo Verde High

CVHS performing arts includes CV Bands, CVHS Choirs, & CVHS Orchestra.

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Desert Ridge High School Marching Band in Gilbert Days Parade 2022

Desert Ridge High

DRHS performing arts includes Desert Ridge Bands DRHS Choirs, & DRHS Orchestra.

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Gilbert Classical Academy students playing brass instruments in band

Gilbert Classical Academy

GCA performing arts includes GCA Band, GCA Orchestra, GCA Choirs & GCA Theatre.

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Gilbert High School string musicians

Gilbert High

GHS performing arts includes Tiger Pride, GHS Choirs, GHS Orchestra, GHS Theatre and GHS Dance.

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Highland High marching band students at the 2023 Gilbert Days parade

Highland High

HHS performing arts includes HHS Bands, HHS Choir, Highland Orchestra and HHS Theatre.

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Mesquite High students playing saxophones in band

Mesquite High

MHS performing arts includes Wildcat Band, MHS Choirs, MHS Orchestra and MHS Dance.

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Desert Ridge Junior High students in an orchestra performance

Desert Ridge Junior High

DRJHS provides performing arts courses in band, choir, orchestra and theatre.

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Greenfield Junior High students playing brass instruments

Greenfield Junior High

GrJHS provides performing arts courses in band, choir, orchestra and theatre.

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Highland Junior High Orchestra students

Highland Junior High

HJHS provides performing arts courses in band, choir, orchestra and theatre.

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Mesquite Junior High School students practicing a theatre play

Mesquite Junior High

MJHS provides performing arts courses in band, choir, mariachi, orchestra & theatre.

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South Valley Junior High students playing band instruments

South Valley Junior High

SVJHS provides performing arts courses in band, choir, orchestra and theatre.

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