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Accelerated K-6

Accelerated district overview

Gilbert Public Schools offers K-6 Accelerated classroom learning experiences at eight of our elementary schools, across the district, to meet the needs of our students and families. This is a unique opportunity for students with strong academic abilities and a love of learning to be challenged in a supported learning environment. Accelerated includes highly qualified Gilbert Public Schools teachers in every classroom, a well-established GPS curriculum, and enrichment through STEM or capstone projects that support students to thrive. All eight schools also offer conventional classrooms, making them the perfect destination for your family, where your children can find the learning experience that truly meets their needs!

Accelerated Information

What is Accelerated?

Accelerated refers specifically to K-6 Accelerated classrooms at eight of our elementary schools: Augusta Ranch, Finley Farms,Highland Park, Meridian, Playa del Rey, Quartz Hill, Settler's Point and Val Vista Lakes.  All subjects are taught at an accelerated pace with skills and concepts and a variety of approved materials that enrich the learning experience.  Accelerated is designed to provide a challenging and supportive learning environment for students with strong academic abilities and motivation to learn.  Placement in Accelerated is based on parent and student request and teacher recommendation.

Key Information - Accelerated K-6

  • Our accelerated classrooms K-6 focus on grade-level standards at an accelerated pace while enriching students with skills and concepts that are a grade level above.
  • Teachers utilize the same curriculum as in other classes while supplementing with a variety of materials to support students in the classroom.
  • The curriculum and classrooms are designed to provide a challenging learning environment for students with higher academic abilities and motivation.
  • Students learn necessary skills to continue to develop and advance at an accelerated pace to help students transition to honors level courses in junior high and high school.
  • Students synthesize skills and concepts from critical areas to apply new mathematical understandings through investigations.
  • ELA, Social Studies, and Science - Interdisciplinary, integration of two or more different content areas, stem-based, and a fast-paced sequence of the curriculum.
  • Placement based on parent and student request and teacher recommendation. Review of appropriate placement occurs as needed throughout the year.

How is Accelerated different from Gifted or Traditional?

Accelerated utilizes the GPS curriculum.  All subjects are taught at an accelerated pace with enriched learning. The classroom is designed to challenge students academically in a supportive learning environment. Our Traditional classrooms at Neely, Canyon Rim, and Spectrum, utilize Math in Focus and Spalding curriculum delivered primarily through whole group instruction by specially trained teachers.  The curriculum is structured, sequential, and cumulative.  Math in Focus reinforces incremental learning and is taught at a grade level above. Our Gifted programs support our students who are identified as gifted through testing or twice exceptional.  Gifted students are academically talented students who excel in their ability to think and reason and need academic challenges beyond the regular classroom setting to address the needs of the whole child.  Our elementary schools use cluster and replacement models to serve gifted students in grades K-6.  We also offer a self-contained model at Towne Meadows for grades 4th - 6th.

Contact Info

Brent Gardner