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Elementary English Language Arts Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Elementary English Language Arts Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Children will develop the following literacy and language skills as they progress through elementary school

In Kindergarten

Your child will begin their literary adventure with fictional books, poems, and familiar stories with rich language, learning to understand the main ideas and key details. They'll recognize characters and settings and discuss the events in these stories. In writing, they will express their thoughts by combining drawing, dictating, and writing about the books they read and the stories they hear.

In First Grade

Your child will enjoy a variety of stories and books, including fun poems and exciting facts about the world around them. They'll learn to pick out important details and explain the main points of what they've read. By asking and answering questions about their reading, they'll get better at understanding and enjoying the stories. In writing, they'll start putting together simple sentences to tell their own stories and share information they find interesting.

In Second Grade

Children explore a variety of texts, including classic fables, folktales, and stories from diverse cultures to better understand the structure of stories, such as the beginning, middle, and end. They'll also compare different texts on the same topic to build knowledge and understanding. When writing, they’ll learn to organize their work with a clear focus, providing some details to support their points.

In Third Grade

Students deepen their reading experience by exploring literature like classic myths and stories from around the world, analyzing characters' motivations and how their actions drive the plot. They also gather information from texts on topics like science and social studies, comparing different viewpoints to enhance their understanding. In writing, they'll develop paragraphs on a range of topics, using descriptions and details to engage their audience.

In Fourth Grade

Your child will delve into a rich mix of literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, as well as historical and scientific texts. They'll interpret themes and ideas within these varied formats and understand perspectives through first-hand and second-hand accounts.  Their writing will become more structured, with clear reasons and evidence to support their ideas, and they'll start to use technology to produce and publish their work.

In Fifth Grade

Students analyze multiple literary and informational texts to deepen their understanding of specific topics, such as how characters respond to challenges or how aspects of culture are represented. They’ll evaluate information from different sources, enhancing their critical thinking skills. Writing tasks will include drafting and revising their work to improve organization coherence and style.

Sixth Grade

Students will critically evaluate narratives, distinguishing between personal points of view and the narrator’s perspective. They’ll integrate information from different media and formats to build a comprehensive view of a subject. In writing, they'll argue or support claims using detailed evidence, learning to edit their work for grammar, usage, and clarity, and preparing them for more advanced studies.

Parent's Guide to Student Success Grades: Kindergarten - High School PDF
First page of the PDF file: 2013GuideBundle_082213
Parent Reading Tips for All Ages PDF
First page of the PDF file: parent-reading-tips-all-ages-english