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Local Community Programs, Service & Volunteering Opportunities

Local Community Programs, Service & Volunteering Opportunities for Students

Phoenix Art Museum Teen Art Council
The 15-member Phoenix Art Museum Teen Art Council is a paid, arts-leadership opportunity for Valley high school students. As an ambassador of the Museum, you’ll collaborate with your fellow council members, under the guidance of our teen-programs coordinator, to develop community-oriented projects and events geared toward teens. You’ll also meet with staff and local artists to learn more about careers in the arts and museums.
Summer Volunteen Program
High school students between the ages of 14 and 17 years old are eligible to apply to the Summer Volunteen Program at Mercy Gilbert Medical Center. The Summer Volunteen Program offers an in-depth learning and leadership opportunity for teens interested in the health care industry. Many of our teens find the experiences invaluable and enjoy making a positive impact on patients, staff, and visitors.
Gilbert Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee
The Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC) is a leadership opportunity where we teach you all about your community and give you opportunities to contribute and give feedback to Gilbert. Participants are asked to volunteer in a variety of capacities as well as assist the Town Council in identifying and finding solutions to complex topics impacting all our residents.
In addition to providing an opportunity for high school juniors to travel overseas during the summertime, the Youth Ambassador Program includes workshops for essay writing, fundraising, interviewing and networking. Taught by local business leaders, these clinics help participants develop skills that will help them with college admissions, scholarship applications and interviews, job interviews and in the workforce. Students have a variety of occasions to practice what they’ve learned during group and individual interviews, social events and fundraisers.