Paying for School
Application Fee Information & Waivers
College Board CSS Profile™
Check College Board’s website for a list of schools and institutions that require the CSS Profile application in addition to the FAFSA.
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Start early and search often for scholarships! Unlike student loans, scholarships are money that does not have to be repaid.
Arizona Family College Savings Program
Start a college savings account and/or use your college savings plan to help with college costs!
The Arizona Family College Savings Plan is a state-sponsored 529 plan designed to provide a parent, grandparent or future student with an opportunity to save for educational expenses in a tax-deferred manner.
Free/Reduced Lunch Application – for More than Just School Lunches!
Did you know that if you qualify for assistance through the National School Lunch Program (NLSP), you may be eligible to receive fee waivers for the SAT/ACT exams, some College Applications and fee reductions for AP Exams?
Free and reduced-price meals are available to families who qualify. If your family chooses to apply, please fill out a Free & Reduced Meal Application.
From the College Board:
"The College Board fee-waiver service assists qualified, economically disadvantaged students who plan to take the SAT/SAT Subject Tests/PSAT/NMSQT/AP Exams. A student must be either enrolled in, or eligible to participate in, the National School Lunch Program (NLSP) in order to receive a fee waiver. Schools participating in new federal programs such as Community Eligibility may not be able to use the NLSP criterion to identify and verify individual student fee-waiver eligibility. However, several other criteria or indicators can still be used to confirm eligibility for fee-waiver benefits."
For more information, please speak with your counselor.